Unlocking Impact Data Webinar replay

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Dive in and learn how to integrate Impact Data into Strategy, into Management, what to disclose, and how to govern to generate highest value through the  SDG Impact Standards now!

In the webinar we mentioned four bonuses

  • Bonus 1
    Early Adopter Offer: US$500 off the regular price. Price will go up on 11 April 2024.
  • BONUS 2
    Capstone Project: Guided process to develop the action plan for your company and personal feedback on it.
  • BONUS 3
    Accelerator Booster Modules: Integrate strategic tools, change management, stakeholder engagement; and support to overcome challenges for sustainable success.
  • BONUS 4
    Fast Action Bonus: Enroll by end of MON 8 April (UTC, 8pm AST) and receive access to a 2h workshop on one of the most tricky topics - Measure Survey Design & Tools. That is usually valued at US$99.

Dive in and learn how to integrate Impact Data into Strategy, into Management, what to disclose, and how to govern to generate highest value through the  SDG Impacts Standards now!

Want to review further details? 